She had breast augmentation and Adam’s Apple reduction surgery, and then genital s

She developed a career as a model, using the professional name Tula. She was featured in fashion advertisements particularly. She was noted in Smirnoff Vodka’s “Well They Said Anything Could Happen” advertisement in 1981 that shows her water-skiing behind the Loch Ness Monster. She was a Page Three Girl for The Sun. This led to a small part in the James Bond film, For Your Eyes Only, 1981, and an associated article in Playboy.
This exposure led to her being outed in The News of the World, a rerun of what had happened to April Ashley in 1962, which ruined her modelling and acting career. She responded with her first autobiography, I am a Woman.
In the mid-1980s she was featured in music videos by Duran Duran and Power Station.
In 1983 she and Count Glauco, an Italian, intended to marry, but UK law at that time did not recognize her as female. She applied to the Registrar General and to her Member of Parliament. She started appeals to the English courts for the right to have her birth certificate re-issued and to marry.
In 1989 h

The Thatcher government appealed the European Court of Human Rights ruling, and it reversed its decision. This enabled Fattal to have their marriage annulled.
In 1991 she became the first transsexual as such to be featured in Playboy, and also released her second autobiography which featured her legal battle.
In 1992 she married a Canadian man, David Finch under Canadian law, and lives with him in US Georgia. She ranked #24 (1995) in FHM's 100 Sexiest Women.
- Lynn-Holly Johnson and Robin Young photographed by Richard Fegley. “For Your Eyes Only (Bond Girls)” including Tula. Playboy. June 1981.
- Bill Rankine. “James Bond Girl was a Boy” The News of the World 1981
- Tula. I am a Woman
. London: Sphere Books: Rainbird, 167 pp 1982. First autobiography.
- European Court of Human Rights. Affaire Cossey: arret du 27 septembre 1990. Publications de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme. Série A, Arrets et décisions, vol. 184. Strasbourg: Greffe de la cour, Conseil de l'Europe, French and English on opposite pages, numbered in duplicate. 54, 54 pp 1990.
- Michael Binyon. "Sex Change Woman Loses Legal Case". The Times. 28 September 1990 Home News.
- Jane Dunn. "How Barry Became Carrie". Sunday Times. 5 May 1991. Features.
- Gretchen Edgren, photographed by Byron Newman. “The Transformations of Tula”. Playboy. September 1991.
- Caroline Cossey. My Story
. London & Boston: Faber and Faber. xiii, 225pp.1992. Second autobiography.
- Jo Alexander. “I'm getting married ... and my sister's having the baby”. Woman 25 May 1992.
- Sophie Goodchild. "New Hope for Transsexuals as MPs Move to Change Law on Birth Certificates". The Independent. 23 June 2002 (p. 13).
- “Caroline Cossey”. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The parallels with April Ashley:
- Both were natural beauties.
- Both became models.
- Both had tiny parts in one the weakest entries in an ongoing film series, April in Road to Hong Kong,1962.
- Both were outed in the News of the World.
- Both lost their screen credit.
- Both suffered in their modelling careers.
- Both wrote two autobiographies.
Let us go to Stephen Whittle's Blog, posting of 14 July 2008, where he says that: "In English law, there has been *NO* change of the position of intersex people with the coming into force of the Gender Recognition Act. Since time immemorial, intersex people in the UK have been able to apply to have their birth certificates amended to better reflect the sex they are. This system is still in existence for those who wish to use it." Unfortunately this statement does not distinguish between the medical and the legal concepts of intersex.
Therefore, Caroline Cossey, intersex by common sense and medical opinion, spent six years of her life going through the hassle of court after court because she was not intersex by Justice Ormrod's definition.
It is to Caroline's credit that she is not hung up on these distinctions and in her autobiographies uses the word 'transsexual' of herself.
It is a nasty irony that although Caroline's appeal to the European Court paved the way for Press For Change and the Gender Recognition Act, person's such as herself with Klinefelter’s Syndrome are being given a hard time by the Gender Recognition Board.
She used to be my friend 1n 1979/80 London, when I was studying in London, we had a lot of laughs together, she is a great person with a big heart, she deserves success and happiness. Shame that I am not able to contact her. All the best.
While I hardly doubt Cossey's credit, this piece has left me wondering why she would not use the word "transsexual" to describe herself. I imagine there are plenty of people who have Klinefelter's syndrome who do not choose to transition, and plenty besides who do. For any transsexual woman to be public about her life and medical history in the first place is the real credit, likewise her intersex status.
ReplyDeleteThis was a fantastic read! Thank you!